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How To Make 2024 Your Most Profitable Year Ever


2023 is almost over, and there’s only one question you should be asking yourself.

It's not, “How much money did I make this year?”

If you’re like most ambitious entrepreneurs, you’re already doing some mental math to see where your revenue will end up. Maybe you’re on track for a record year. Or maybe things didn’t exactly go as planned.

Either way, it’s time to start thinking about next year. Because the reality is, we’re entering into some very uncertain times.

A bunch of things are converging at once. The economy is going through major changes, AI is ramping up, and the online business world is getting crowded. A lot of things that used to work…don’t really work anymore.

Maybe you’ve already started seeing this in your business. Potential clients are taking more time to make decisions. Cash flow is tighter. But at the same time, there's a massive opportunity. Some coaches and service providers are thriving as a result of these exact same trends.

So here’s the question you should be asking as you think about next year:

“How do I plan for something that I can’t predict?”

What you can’t do is plan the whole year all at once. It’s too big of a timeframe to be helpful, and it doesn’t tell you what to focus on now.

You could try to break it down into quarters. This is a good exercise, but even planning for a 90 day period can feel overwhelming. And a lot can change in that time.

Here’s the truth: The game of business is played one week at a time. The winners in 2024 will be those who are able to stay focused on what they can control every single week.

If you can stack one successful week onto the next, you’ve got a successful quarter. And if you do that four times, you’ve got a successful year.

In the following chapters, I'll share with you how to do that.

Let's start with this question: What makes one week feel successful and another feel like a flop?

Hint: It's not just about how much money you make.

Chapter 1:

The Difference Between Weeks That Work And Weeks That Don’t

The way I see it, there are 3 things that make a week “work.”

First, you get the important stuff done.

When you reach Friday with your core to-do list complete, you feel awesome and know you’ve been productive. These actions feed into a bigger plan that leads you towards your quarterly and annual goals.

Second, you see the results of your hard work.

That could look like audience growth, appointments booked, clients enrolled. Ultimately, when we get cash in the bank, we win. We also get validation that our marketing is paying off.

Third, you get the balance right between work, rest and play.

If you slog out 12 hour days for a week, you might get a lot done. But it’s not sustainable. You need to be able to enjoy time with friends and family guilt-free.

So if you want to have a successful week, you need to take the most important actions in your allotted work time, have these actions pay off, and be able to close your laptop each Friday feeling excited to do it again next week.

But this doesn’t always happen, right?

The reality is, we don’t always perform at our peak. 

Have you ever had a whole day to focus on your business, only to find it’s 1pm and you’ve done sweet fuck all, even though you had the best intentions? You’ve started 6 different tasks, organized your books by color, and have 10 different tabs open.

Then you beat yourself up for your lack of focus and productivity. 

So you work longer, because the stuff needs to get done. 

Your work hours creep into your personal life, whether that’s attempting a 9pm laptop stint when your brain is half asleep or another Sunday where you tell your partner and kids you need to work.

It’s way too easy to reach the end of the week frustrated and full of anxiety that you’ve had no measurable impact on your endless to-do list. This is why most entrepreneurs suffer.

So why oh why can’t we just get the right stuff done - the stuff that leads to more growth, impact and income - in the hours we have each week, instead of wasting valuable time on things that don’t make us money?

Chapter 2:

Why It’s So Hard To Create Consistency In Your Business

If you want consistent clients and income, you need to be consistent with your marketing activities.

Easier said than done, of course.

Here’s what I see happen to most entrepreneurs:

1. When it’s time to work, you’re not that sure what activities to focus on

Every expert and their dog is suggesting a different way to grow your business. Podcasts. YouTube. Be a guest expert. TikTok. LinkedIn. Launches. Webinars. Blogging.

The list of things we could do in our business is endless. And since we’re brought up in a society that glorifies hard work, entrepreneurs get sucked into ‘Doing The Most’.

The mindset is this: if I work hard, my hard work will be rewarded. 

So you fill your days with scattergun marketing activities and hope that some of them will work.

But your business doesn’t care how hard you work, how long you work, or what affirmations you say before you go to bed. The only thing your business needs is for you to take certain specific actions.

And that means you need to be able to look at your to-do list and know how to prioritize the actions that will generate revenue.

2. When you do decide which revenue-generating tasks to focus on, you end up doing everything except that thing

I call this Creative Avoidance. It can take many forms. Procrasti-learning. Maybe if you just do one more course, you’ll crack the code? Procrasti-planning. Surely if you create a strategy document that will help? Procrasti-emailing. Let’s just tidy up my inbox so I’m in the right frame of mind to do the good stuff. 

These things feel like work. Or at least vaguely like work. But ultimately they don’t make you money.

This isn’t about laziness. It’s about fear.

You avoid the stuff that makes you money because it’s scary and hard. It normally involves talking to people, promoting yourself, and maybe even getting rejected.

But it’s this emotional labor that we get paid for as entrepreneurs. If you can learn to take imperfect action in spite of fear, your business will reward you handsomely.

3. When you finally get round to your revenue-generating activities, you don’t stick with them long enough to see consistent results

Sometimes, this happens because you’re trying to do too much at once, without support, and it’s just not sustainable.

Other times, you’re not sure if what you’re doing is working. You don’t see immediate results, or you see a different shiny object, and you end up changing tact.

But every time you change your strategy, you have to start over. This makes it very hard to get traction.

Plus, it’s not a fun way to run a business - you’re anxious all the time because you don’t have a system you can trust.

Any time you fall into one of these three traps, you end up working more but making less money.

Which means you never quite reach the successful week, successful quarter, successful year domino effect you really want.

It's not your fault. You just weren't taught any other way.

Fortunately, there's a much better alternative.

Chapter 3:

How To Perform At Your Peak By "Doing The Least"

Your business does not care how hard you work. It only needs you to do a handful of things so you can make money. Everything else is optional.

On one hand, this can be overwhelming. Some days it might feel easier to just sit behind a desk for 8 hours and do what your boss tells you to do. But for those of us who crave freedom, it's a huge opportunity. If you can figure out how to get clients in one hour a day, you can do whatever you want for the other 7 hours.

This is where “Doing The Least” comes in.

When you’re Doing The Least, you’re trying to find the easiest and most direct path to the outcome that you want, cutting out all unnecessary actions. This allows you to make more while working less.

There are a few ways you could go about it.

First, you could use trial and error to figure these tasks out on your own. Whenever you get a client, you figure out what activities contributed to that sale. This actually isn’t a terrible strategy. But it takes a while. You need to keep yourself accountable and the temptation to Do The Most is strong.

Second, you could work with a 1-1 coach to identify your highest leverage activities and hold you accountable. This is faster than doing it on your own. But it’s expensive and you’re still on your own trying to make sure the things actually get done. 

Or third, you could join a course or group program to learn someone’s system for getting clients. But there’s a problem with most of these programs. They teach only what worked for them, and if the strategy isn’t a fit for you, you’re left searching for the next magic bullet.

This is the problem with all marketing tactics. They work for some and not for others. There are too many nuances and variables at play - like your niche, strengths and personality - for a one-size-fits-all approach.

That’s why we created Weeks That Work.

Instead of making you copy what we do, we’ll help you build out a repeatable weekly structure tailored to your specific situation and strengths. That way, you can close your laptop every Friday knowing that you’ve moved your business forward.

Chapter 4:

Introducing Weeks That Work

Weeks That Work is the name of a new group program developed by Gemma Gilbert and Greg Faxon. You’ll learn our High Performance Framework as part of a live, 12 week case study group. One week you'll watch a training, the next week you'll get live coaching to implement it.

By the end of Weeks That Work, you’ll have a repeatable weekly template that shows you exactly what revenue-generating tasks to focus on each day and, importantly, how to make sure they get done.

That way, you can drop into the flow during your work hours and disconnect fully at the end of the day.

We’re looking for ambitious coaches, consultants, and service-providers who want to work with us in a live case study group. This is the founding cohort, which means you'll never get more personal attention at a lower price than this.

Note: This opportunity is time-sensitive. Click the button below and secure your spot before enrollment closes at 5pm EST / 10pm GMT on Friday, December 15th:

Enroll For January

Meet Your Co-Instructors

About Gemma Gilbert

Heyyyy, I’m Gemma. Little secret… Greg was my first ever coach when I started my business back in 2018. Greg stood out to me in a sea of inauthentic coaches and icky sales tactics and we’ve been good friends since.

I started my own business when I had my son and realized the corporate rat race was not going to give me the freedom I wanted. I grew quickly to 10K months in my first year, and have grown to 30K months working 25 hours a week with a tiny team. I go to the gym 5 days a week, take lunchtime dog walks and do every school drop off and pick up. I work hard in those 25 hours, but have the kind of balance I only ever dreamed of.

About Greg Faxon

Greg Faxon here. I quit my marketing consulting job at 22 years old to become a life coach. My girlfriend laughed in my face, but I went on to sell over a million dollars of coaching and courses by age 30. Over that time, I’ve learned that the key in business is to pick something simple and stick with it. That's what I teach my clients.

Everyone online tries to convince you that their plan is the best. But sticking with a simple plan matters far more than finding the perfect one. It's just like getting in shape. Most beginners try to find the perfect workout, but the only perfect workout is the one that you will personally do every week without fail. Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires the same level of discipline and consistency.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

Since this is the first round of Weeks That Work, here's feedback from our other coaching programs:

Emma Taggart

"I came to Gemma wanting more time and energy and I absolutely got that and so much more. What I got was an end to end system - how to create, market and sell my programme, along with principles and techniques that I can now apply to any part of my business. I went from working 40+ hours a week to 25 hours, making more money."

Danii Martynowicz

"Before working with Gemma, my income was up and down and I had no consistency with how my clients came in. I was trying to do everything and I hadn't taken time to sit down to figure out a marketing/lead model that worked for me... I felt like I had to be working every hour I could. Working with Gemma, I hit 2 more than £5k months needing fewer clients and doing less work."

Grace Brodeur

"When I reached out to Greg I had a full roster, but I felt like I was in a very reactive state in my business...Greg helped me build the mindset, systems, and support that were fundamental in helping me reach a six figure month, which was more than triple what I had made in a single month prior to working with him...I feel, just in general, a lot more relaxed in my business."

Andrew Capland

"When I first met Greg, I would've identified as an anxious business owner. I was always nervous the floor was gonna fall out - that I was gonna lose all my clients or I was gonna have to go back and get a real job. And so the biggest transformation of working with him is having a system that I feel really confident in. I have, candidly, doubled my full-time salary now working for myself."

Here's What You'll Learn:


Most courses teach you specific strategies for getting clients and leave you on your own to implement them. While it’s helpful to learn strategies, remember: it’s not about what you know, it’s about what you can actually execute. And when you’re overwhelmed by all the things you could try, the easiest thing is to do none of them.

Weeks That Work is different.  It not only helps you identify the highest leverage opportunities in your business right now, it also helps you plan your weeks out to take advantage of those opportunities. That way you can generate a steady stream of clients and customers without some crazy herculean effort - just by showing up consistently and executing the plan.

You’ll learn how to:

💵 Move from long to-do lists to one revenue-generating task so you know exactly what to work on first thing each day instead of getting overwhelmed and Creatively Avoiding. You’ll love the satisfaction you get from showing up each morning knowing what to do and banging it out in an hour or two.

✅ Delegate, automate, or eliminate the things that aren’t your core genius so you get the most out of every hour you’re working. You can essentially double or triple your hourly rate by doing this without actually raising your prices or getting more clients. 

🗓 Structure your weeks for maximum effectiveness so you know when to do focused work, client work, sales calls, etc. depending on your energy and lifestyle. We’ll give you the exact structures we use in our multi six-figure businesses, as well as templates you can customize.

🙏 Switch off from work knowing you’ve done enough so you can be present with your family and enjoy your life, without wondering if you should do more. This is what makes entrepreneurship sustainable.

When you learn these foundational skills, you operate like a true CEO. You're not flying by the seat of your pants each week randomly knocking things off your to-do list. You've built a Week That Works - one that generates consistent revenue and leaves plenty of time for family and recovery. Each week builds onto the next week until you have a successful quarter, then year. No matter what craziness is happening in the world.

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Here's What You'll Get:


6 in-depth training modules to help you craft your perfect default week

Gemma and Greg will teach you the systems and strategies that help them focus on the right stuff and get sh*t done in their business without the drama. These no-fluff trainings will be pre-recorded so you can watch them at a time that’s convenient for you.

You'll learn frameworks for goal setting, marketing strategy, weekly scheduling, delegation, productivity, and KPI tracking, and much more.

6 live Q+A calls in two different time zones to help you make tweaks

The week after each training is released, you’ll come to these 90 min. Q+A calls for help applying what you learned to your specific situation. That way you can construct your ideal week and zero in on your highest leverage tasks along with the group.

There are two different call times available depending on your time zone: Tuesday at 12pm EST / 5pm GMT or Thursday at 7:30am EST / 12:30pm GMT.

A customizable Master Plan template that helps you focus + prioritize

This is like a cheat sheet for running your business. It includes your Annual and Quarterly Roadmap, your Repeatable Revenue-Generating Structure, and a Weekly Scorecard. We’ll customize this together so you know exactly what actions to focus on each week to generate more leads and income, how to make sure they happen, and how to measure your progress. You'll never again wonder what to spend your time on.


Plus, you'll get these bonuses:


  • A private Slack forum to communicate between calls. This is a place for you to get feedback on your ideas, learn what’s been working for other entrepreneurs, and ask questions between calls. We’ll also give you the opportunity to form virtual “coworking pods” based on your availability so that you can meet up with other students and get your work done with added accountability.
  • The "Raising Your Rates" bonus module. If your pricing and packaging is off, it's really hard to create a week that works. You simply need too many client hours in order to hit your income goal. In this bonus module, taken from one of Greg's signature programs, you'll learn how to narrow your niche and focus in on one high end offer. You'll learn the 3-part framework you can use to design offers that sell for $5k, $7k, even $15,000. Plus, real-world packaging examples.

*Beta Round Only*


Paid upfront

OR 4 monthly payments of $149

  • 6 in-depth, pre-recorded training modules
  • 6 live Q+A calls in 2 time zones
  • Customizable Master Plan template
  • Bonus: Private Slack community
  • Bonus: "Raising Your Rates" module
  • No more Sunday Scaries (priceless)

Ready For Weeks That Work?


When we work with clients 1-1, we charge up to $20,000.

Obviously, we’re not going to charge you that for this program.

Since we’re able to deliver this in a group format, and it’s the first time we’re doing this, you’re going to get all of the above for just $497 USD (that's approximately £400 GPB)

Our goal is to create as many success stories as we can, and then we’ll either raise the price for future rounds or sell it without live coaching support.

Enroll in the beta round and get our best pricing ever. Due to the live nature of this program, there will be no refunds.

Deadline: 5pm EST / 10pm GMT on Friday, December 15th.

You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers

If you don't see your question here, send an email to [email protected].


A Final Word From Greg & Gemma


You made it to the bottom of the page. Nice! So you must seriously be considering this.

We're not going to try to convince you to enroll if it's not right for you. There's no money-back guarantee because we only want to coach people who know this is a fit for them.

So we'll just say this: Weeks That Work gives you the tools and frameworks you need to be the most effective version of yourself. That way, you can make money consistently without stressing about your business all the time or sacrificing time with your family. If you want that, now is the best time to enroll.

2024 is almost here. And with everything that's going on in the world, it's never been more important to perform at your peak.

Some people freeze in the midst of uncertainty. Other people run. But the true champions? They RISE.

So if you want to develop the ability to focus only on your highest leverage activities each day…

If you want to enjoy more time outside of work to spend with your family, friends, and hobbies…

And if you want to get to 5pm on Friday knowing that you moved your business forward…

Then we’d love to have you join our case study group.

Enrollment closes 5pm EST / 10pm GMT on Friday, December 15th.

After you enroll, you’ll be invited to join our Weeks That Work community.

We'll start with Module 1 on the first week of January 2024, after the holidays.

But in order for any of that to happen, you need to make a choice.

Enroll before 5pm EST / 10pm GMT on Friday, December 15th: